NBA 2K18 Vs. NBA Live 18 - Which Game Is Better?

6. Graphics

Nba 2k18 Vs Nba Live

NBA Live 18 needs to update to the Frostbite engine ASAP, seeing how it has worked wonders for the new FIFA. By sticking to Ignite, the creators force us to once again look at unnatural, superhero-like players who are just too light and too agile for their size.

Surprisingly, the engine works great during WNBA games as female athletes look more natural as they float on the court. Well, maybe apart from their hair.

NBA Live 18 player faces are mostly bad. The athletes themselves have this strange aura around them - an issue connected to the court lighting, which is rather distracting - though baskets and arenas look rather nice.

NBA 2K18 is also in need of an engine update, which thanks to NBA Live's return, may come sooner than later.

Still, even without it, the game looks much better. Players are more real, their movements more natural. Faces and physical frames are especially noteworthy and some screenshots could fool the keenest eye as to whether a still is real or in-game.

The Winner: NBA 2K18

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NBA 2K18
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I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.