NBA 2K19: 7 Rumours You Need To Know

6. Public Matchmaking Is Improved

NBA 2K19
2K Games

Several accounts on social media have been claiming that, in addition to @Ronnie2K's leak that private matchmaking is now possible, 2K19 will feature less random public matchmaking. This is bound to put a smile on some who were left frustrated by 2K's hand-holding last year.

The major benefit to this is that 2K's servers should be more mindful of player skill. That means rookies are unlikely (or at least less likely) to come up against seasoned players, theoretically making online play more fun and eliminating depressingly one-sided games for good.

It might be best to reserve judgement on this until the game is out, but it sounds promising.

Being on the receiving end of an absolute hammering just because the system was too lazy to take skill into consideration was lame. Further, it left newcomers feeling like they couldn't have fun with the game; the learning curve was often too great, and it made online sessions a turkey shoot rather than an engaging experience.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.