NBA 2K19: 7 Rumours You Need To Know

5. Mascots Are Returning?

NBA 2K17 Mascots
2K Games

This is one from YouTube channel OG ALMIGHTY.

Others, like fellow YouTuber BADGEPLUG, have also been on the case talking about whether or not 2K will bring back mascots to MyPark in 2K19. This appears to be a major bone of contention for some; mascots were missing from 2K18's lineup, and sects of apparently people want to play as Benny the Bull, Burnie, and even this foul creation.

Some Twitter users have been speculating on rumours that mascots are on the comeback trail, and @Ronnie2K has chimed in to tease fans that this is indeed the case. It's hardly essential to the game's success, but man, the NBA 2K community crave those playable costumed favourites.

They'd be unlockables again, so this goes hand-in-hand with the aforementioned VC debate. If 2K don't sort that, then it's pretty much a non-issue, because mascots will be pricey anyway and thus unattainable for all but the most hardcore of players.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.