NBA 2K19: 7 Rumours You Need To Know

4. Snatch-Backs Are Less Effective

NBA 2K19
2K Games

News that 2K19 will feature a better balance between offence and defence is welcome, as is hearing that reach-ins are a tad more accessible for rookie players. 2K haven't exactly dumbed down the gameplay, but they have simplified a few things, and they're strengthening defensive AI.

Word of warning to those who rely on one skill to beat defenders: you might not be doing that this year.

The snatch-back skill move is reportedly less effective than it was last year, and that's a blessing in disguise; anyone who palmed their forehead upon seeing top-ranked Centers lose their footing for the tenth time in the first quarter just because of that magical move will be pleased. Snatch-backs don't fool defenders every single time.

Similarly, blow bys are less effective than in bygone years. If all this is true (it comes from Reddit by way of YouTube user AnnoyingTV), then it's evidence of 2K's revamped AI and focus on a better harmony between being under attack and launching one yourself seconds later.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.