NBA 2K19: 7 Rumours You Need To Know

3. Skippable Cutscenes

NBA 2K19 The Way Back
2K Games

One of the more annoying little quirks to 2K18's story modes was that cut scenes were mandatory. That meant sitting down to watch the same old stuff play out even during multiple play throughs, and it was tedious as all hell. In 2K19, it's a thing of the past - a godsend for those sick to death of Fresh Lettuce.

@Ronnie2K (2K's community manager, don't forget) has hinted on Twitter that gamers will now be able to breeze through cut scenes in 2K19. He didn't say explicitly say that they'd be skippable, but this minor hangup has grown arms and legs since 2K18's release, so it makes sense the developers will listen to fan grumblings.

Perhaps best of all, this means those who check out the Prelude on 31 August won't have to sit through the exact same scenes when they fire up 'The Way Back' in the full game. On top of that, and one thing Ronnie did confirm, is that the Prelude can now be skipped completely if you've already completed it.

It's the little things.

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