NBA 2K19: 7 Rumours You Need To Know

2. The Jordan Rec Center Is Back?

NBA 2K15 Jordan Rec Center
2K Games

Maybe YouTube user USK Kuroz is exercising some conspiracy theorist goodness here. Maybe.

It is interesting though that 2K's official Twitter account responded to a fan query about needing PS Plus to play MyPark in 2K19. After telling the humble gamer they would need PS Plus, 2K then went further by randomly saying they had no idea if the Jordan Rec Center would be included in the game.

That came out of nowhere, and things became even more suspicious when the tweets were deleted 10 minutes later. Does this mean there's a chance the Rec Center will make a comeback in 2K19? Possibly, and it's not as though there was any need for the official @2KSupport team to start banging on about it if they didn't have some info.

This could have been a mistake, or it could be something more. Alternatively, USK Kuroz does ponder if 2K leaked the news then deleted their tweet on purpose to keep hardcore fans, ones they knew would pick up on such things, guessing.

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