NBA 2K19: 7 Rumours You Need To Know

1. Playground Has Some Subtle Changes

NBA 2K19 Playground
2K Games

The popular Playground mode is expected to get a facelift when NBA 2K19 drops on 11 September. YouTuber AnnoyingTV (yes, him again) recently decided to dig into Reddit rumours that the mode's base layout will change this year. Some of it made him happy, other speculation left him with questions.

According to one Reddit user who claims to have an inside contact at 2K Games, 2s courts will now be in the middle of the Playground and 3s will surround it. Also, there appear to be some horizontal courts flanking the 2s, and AnnoyingTV is left scratching his head at what the extra space will be used for.

In his video, courts at the top of the layout are dashed with question marks instead of revealing what they are.

Does this hint at a new kind of game mode? Perhaps, or maybe it's just extra space that 2K will eliminate. Whatever the case, it does look like Playground 2 will have a fresh layout, some new tweaks and could even feature different rules for some of the '?' courts.

What other rumours do you know about NBA 2K19? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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