Nintendo Switch: 10 Harsh Truths Nobody Wants To Admit

6. It's Got Less Functionality Than The Wii U

nintendo switch

Say what you want about the Wii U (and there are a lot of terrible things to say), but one of its greatest assets was the Wii U game pad's second screen. Despite a lot of people criticising the game pad (I mean just look at it - it's chunky as hell and looks like a kid's toy) most who actually used it found it to be comfortable and incredibly useful.

Sure, it didn't really deliver on the promised asymmetrical multiplayer thing, but having access to a single screen did wonders for the functionality of innumerable games.

Take the ability to chart a course on the map in Wind Waker, for example, and the fact you've always got access to your inventory without pausing. And what about Mario Maker, a game which relied on the ability to use a separate touch screen for level creation?

When it comes to the Nintendo Switch, all of this functionality is lost. Since the console is the controller, there's no way to play on the TV while holding the screen. So what happens to games like Mario Maker, then? Are we back to interrupting game play by pausing? If so that's a massive shame.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.