Nintendo Switch: 10 Harsh Truths Nobody Wants To Admit

5. The Joy Con Controllers Do Not Look Like A Fun Way To Experience Multiplayer

nintendo switch

Local multiplayer is terrific. Nothing beats sitting down in a physical space with friends or relatives and enjoying some co-op or competition. That's not to say online multiplayer isn't fantastic in its own right, but Nintendo is the only major video game company that seems determined to keep local multiplayer alive and well, and they should absolutely be commended for it.

At the same time... the Switch's Joy Con controllers don't look to be a fun way to play.

During the reveal trailer, the Switch proudly flaunts the fact that you can detach the two Joy Cons and set up the screen using a stand to enable local multiplayer on the go. The problem is, the Joy Con controllers are tiny. And if you're playing with a friend, you only get one.

Seriously, they're minuscule. They're even smaller than the GameBoy Micro, and you practically needed a microscope to pick that thing up. Not only that, but the analogue stick and buttons aren't even centred, so the controller has to be held awkwardly to use them.

It's a cool feature and all, but it just doesn't look very fun.


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