Nintendo Switch: 10 Obvious Flaws That Need Fixing

4. A Proper Kickstand

Switch mario sunshine

There's only one word that can truly describe the Switch kickstand: weaksauce. It's pretty clear this flimsy piece of worthless plastic was an afterthought, something hastily tacked on to the Switch at the last minute.

This useless stick of plastic couldn't even keep a postcard upright let alone a Nintendo Switch. The thing is so wafty and weak that even snapping it into position feels like you've reached its breaking point, and that a single extra iota of pressure could take the thing clean off its hinge.

It only had to be a tiny bit thicker, or better secured, to make it actually useful. Are you seriously telling me the designers and technical wizards at Nintendo HQ designed this thing, took a long hard look at it and said "sweet, jobs-a-good'un fellas! Let's go home." They must have known this thing was pointless, or at the very least flimsy to the point of being useless, when they shipped the console out to consumers.

Now this isn't exactly something Nintendo can fix per se, the current Switches are stuck with these ineffectual appendages. It is, however something they can fix in a revised model, or even a Nintendo Switch 2.


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