Nintendo Switch: 9 Major Developments You Need To Know
3. There Are More Buttons Than You Think
One of the coolest things about the Switch is that you can turn the Joy-Con controllers sideways and play makeshift local multiplayer sessions as though you had one, tiny NES-style controller each.
However, early impressions led consumers to think that because the Joy-Con only consists of an analogue stick, four face buttons and a top-mounted shoulder button/trigger combo, that holding them in this manner would mean something like drifting in Mario Kart would require attempting to hit the 'side' of the controller.
Not true.
Instead, frame-by-frame'ing the advert yet again, we can see that they are actually two small buttons on the longest face of the pad (the side that locks into the main Switch screen), allowing for these small controllers to still retain any shoulder button functionality.
They literally thought of everything!