Nintendo Switch: 9 Things Nobody Wants To Admit

3. 1-2-Switch Should've Been A Pack-In

Nintendo Switch Eshop

Speaking of missed opportunities, we have the absolute worst full-priced game from the Switch's launch.

Don't get me wrong, 1-2 Switch does have a few games that are pretty entertaining and worth revisiting, but overall it's a complete gimmick. Going through each game once is a great way to get yourself accustomed to the Joy-Cons and how they work, but after a round or two you'll probably be ready to move on. More often than not, you probably won't plan on retreading over water with this selection either.

Do you realize what was just described? A perfect pack-in game!

Seriously, the main issue with 1-2 Switch is the fact that it's a full priced game and wasn't simply sold as apart of every single Nintendo Switch. The games aren't revolutionary or even fun enough to come back to more than a handful of times, but it serves the purpose of being the perfect first game to play on your Switch to learn the basics of Joy-Cons.

Those are literally the two best elements for a game you can pack into every console, and instead they sold it to us for $50.


someone remind me to edit this