Nintendo Switch: 9 Things Nobody Wants To Admit

2. No Virtual Console DOES Matter

Nintendo Switch Eshop

Once again, Nintendo is seriously missing out on a massive opportunity here.

The Switch has the rare distinction of being the only console to be for both at-home gaming and portable gaming. With this in mind, literally how is the Virtual Console not incorporated yet? Being able to play every single game in Nintendo's expansive history anywhere you'd like could be one of the most marketable aspects of the Switch. Instead, Nintendo is letting their entire history fall to the wayside and not taking advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

This could legitimately make the Nintendo Switch the single-greatest video game console of all time. The Virtual Console could immediately sell the entire system to a potentially jaded audience that has little interest in what Nintendo is currently offering but have an incredible love for their past.

The lack of a Virtual Console on the Switch isn't just unfortunate for the fans, it's a terrible business decision on Nintendo's part to not have incorporated by now.


someone remind me to edit this