Nintendo Switch: 9 Things Nobody Wants To Admit

1. Their Online Plan Is Half-Baked 

Nintendo Switch Eshop

Oh, Nintendo, you just had to follow the crowd, didn't you?

Well-known for standing out a bit more than it's contemporaries, Sony and Microsoft, it's always been entertaining to see just how much Nintendo will vary themselves from the others. Unfortunately, when it comes to playing your favorite games online, the shepherds have turned into sheep.

Starting sometime this month, Nintendo Switch Online will officially be launching. $20 annually isn't necessarily breaking the bank, and there could be amazing features that we just don't know about yet to make the service worthwhile. Despite this, it's just a little bit disappointing to see the typically audacious company following in their competition's footsteps for a pretty penny.

If Nintendo isn't planning to fix major issues, like the aforementioned friend codes and voice chat - all the while slapping a price tag on - they may end up pushing potential buyers away and regretting this decision in the long run.


someone remind me to edit this