Okami: Ranking The 13 Celestial Brush Gods And Their Powers From Worst To Best

2. Tachigami: Power Slash

Okami HD

Tachigami is an adorable little rat that holds an extremely large sword in his mouth, teaching you how to use the Power Slash brush technique. Power Slash is one of the most used techniques throughout the game, being utilized frequently to propel the plot.

Not only is it used to propel the game forward, but you have to use it in a multitude of battles including boss battles. The fight against Waka is a prime example of this, wherein you must use this technique to deflect some of his attacks, giving you an opening to strike.

The Power Slash is used to defeat enemies when they are stunned, something that gives you demon fangs. Demon fangs are not important to the story of the game, but they are extremely important in helping you obtain better items and equipment to make your journey through Nippon easier.

It can even be upgraded through divine springs in both North Ryoshima Coast and Kamui respectively. The upgrade allows this slash to deal greater damage to enemies as well as give it the strength to cut through extremely strong stones and demon scrolls.

It goes without saying that the Power Slash is an irreplaceable brush technique.

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I am a musical theater performer that trained in ballet for 12 years. I love horror movies, anime, video games, and makeup.