Okami: Ranking The 13 Celestial Brush Gods And Their Powers From Worst To Best

1. Hanagami: Greensprout

Okami HD

The Hanagami are some of the most important gods in the game, as they give you the most important techniques. Bloom, Water Lily, and Vine are given to you from the monkey gods Sakigami, Hasugami, and Tsutagami respectively.

For starters, the Bloom ability is the only thing that can be used to grow the Guardian Saplings into their full form, expelling the darkness from the area. Without this ability, Amaterasu would be unable to save Nippon. Period.

As far as the other two brush techniques go, they are extremely helpful when traversing the world. Water Lily allows you to get across large bodies of water, something you were unable to do for a while. Vine is used frequently to help you reach high places, and it is even used in one of the first boss fights in the game.

The fight against the Spider Queen involves using the Vine technique to attach the closed flower on her back to floating flora around the fighting area. Once you attach enough of the spots on her back, she will collapse, allowing you to strike the eyeballs found in her now bloomed flower.

Without the Hanagami in the game, you would never be able to save Nippon from darkness.

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I am a musical theater performer that trained in ballet for 12 years. I love horror movies, anime, video games, and makeup.