Overwatch: 10 Best Ultimate Abilities In 2019 - Ranked

6. Ana's Nano Boost

Overwatch zenyatta

Ana is quite the diverse hero. Her Biotic Rifle, her primary fire, is a prime example of this. Not only does a shot hit enemies for damage, but the same shot heals allies for slightly more health. Her Sleep Dart makes any enemy unable to do anything at all for a few seconds. However, her main gimmicks involve buffing her allies and nerfing her enemies

For instance, there's her Biotic Grenade. Throw this on enemies and it not only does damage to anyone within range of the blast, but for a few seconds, they cannot gain any health. Throw it on allies, and they are not only healed, but they also gain health more easily and quickly. Not restricted to the choice of either damage or healing that Moira is forced to, in the right circumstance, Ana has a barrage of options.

However, the ultimate example of Ana's abilities is Nano Boost. This supports an ally to make them a destructive killing machine. Receiving this gives you a plethora of buffs. Your health is increased, you do 50% more damage, and also take half damage. Throw this on an ally and watch as your boost turns them into an unstoppable menace.

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