Overwatch: 25 Best Skins You Must Unlock

16. Roadhog – Bajie

Overwatch Skins

Despite what you might assume on first impression, Roadhog isn’t a mutant pig-man but simply a big dude who wears a pig-like gasmask and seems to be a big fan of pork-related accessories. In light of this, his Bajie skin becomes even more fantastically creepy.

Named after Zhu Bajie from Journey to the West, the skin places an entire pig head over ‘Hog’s face, which even seems to be stitched onto his real skin. This would be a nightmarish thought for most people but you can’t help imagine Roadhog would embrace this foulness; allowing himself to finally become one with the pig. The skin also adds a strangely beautiful swirling design in place of the character’s usual pig stomach tattoo, which adds further brilliance to the horrifying skin.

Roadhog’s Pigpen skin also sees him embracing his porcine side, covering him from head to toe in thick brown mud. There’s something extremely revolting about this skin, which works well with the disturbed character’s “get stuck in” attitude. ‘Hog’s Islander skins seems to hint at a Polynesian heritage and, given that he hails from Australia, this isn’t out of the question. Still, even the Islander design can’t compete with the brutal wonder of Bajie.

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Ollie Dean is a full-time writer and pop culture obsessive.