Overwatch: 25 Best Skins You Must Unlock

5. Genji – Blackwatch

Overwatch Skins

As an ex-yakuza cyborg ninja, it’s no surprise that Genji is one of Overwatch’s most popular characters, nor that he has some of the game’s most creative cosmetics.

His Epic skins, especially the patriotic Nihon, are effortlessly cool, but it’s his Legendary skins where things really get interesting. Sparrow shows players what Genji was like as a youth (he seems to have had green hair at one point), whilst the charismatic Bedouin hints at his time as a mysterious exile in the desert.

Sentai sees Genji inhabit a colourful action anime character, something which is a far cry away from Blackwatch, his edgiest skin, which represents his time in Overwatch’s black ops team. Blackwatch seems to be a halfway point between Sparrow and the Genji we know and love – with semi-exposed skin (surely a reference to Hanzo’s default outfit) and a black and red colour scheme.

His inhuman red eyes, mechanical limbs and uncomfortable looking tubing act as reminders of the (no doubt extremely painful) cyberization process Genji has had to go through to get to where he is today.

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Ollie Dean is a full-time writer and pop culture obsessive.