Overwatch: 25 Best Skins You Must Unlock

4. Doomfist – Avatar/Spirit

Overwatch Skins

Overwatch is famous for its fantastically diverse cast of heroes, bringing characters from all around the world together in a way which gaming has rarely seen before. Of course, it’s all very well paying lip-service to diversity, but few games back this up with actual meaningful content. Thankfully, this is not (usually) the case for Overwatch, with two of Doomfist’s Legendary skins showing particular attention to detail.

Akande Ogundimu, better known as Doomfist, is of Yoruba descent, which is one of the biggest ethnic groups in Nigeria. His Avatar and Spirit skins reference the Yoruba religion, relating to different spirits which reflect their deity. Avatar represents a quick and harsh temper, whilst Spirit depicts gentle compassion. As well as being true to the character, it helps that the skins themselves are gorgeous, glowing with an exotic and ethereal majesty that is impossible to ignore.

Avatar and Spirit essentially render all of the character’s other skins obsolete, although Painted is admittedly rather good. Doomfist’s other legendary skins look oddly like Tekken’s Jack line of characters, something which seems particularly strange and uninspired when paired with the sensitive and well-researched Avatar/Spirit.

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Ollie Dean is a full-time writer and pop culture obsessive.