Overwatch: 5 Things You Need To Know About Ashe

2. She Has An Assistant: B.O.B.

overwatch ashe

There are other characters in Overwatch with robotic assistance (Wrecking Ball and D.Va spring to mind), but if Ashe’s teaser trailer is anything to go by, hers tops the lot.

As a group of other heroes led by Winston charge towards her, Ashe calls in B.O.B. for assistance. It’s not the rapper who pretends that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, but instead a mech that looks like a Victorian era bruiser complete with a bowler hat. He charges at her onrushing enemies, tossing them up into the air with ease before laying down a round of suppressing fire.

This cowgirl thief already looked interesting enough with her guns and dynamite, but adding B.O.B. into the mix elevated her even higher. What’s most intriguing is that B.O.B.’s bullets are described as ‘suppressing fire’ by Blizzard, suggesting he might be used to help Ashe get out of trouble rather than deal too much damage himself. He might be best called defensively, allowing Ashe to escape to cover while he pins her would-be killers down.

It remains to be seen how effective B.O.B. will be, but it’s an interesting concept nonetheless.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)