Persona: 10 Best Songs From The Franchise So Far

4. The Fog (Atlus Konishi Remix) - Persona 4: Dancing All Night

To any aspiring professional wrestlers out there, you could do a hell of a lot worse than making this song your entrance theme.

Everything about this song sets up the big-fight feel brilliantly. The dread in the opening moments leads perfectly into the guitars kicking off for the start of the battle.

Then, the song EXPLODES into the chorus, a high volume crescendo that showcases the importance of the fight and the overpowering strength of your opponent. A peaceful lull follows, symbolising the moment in any lengthy fight where the combatants regroup to gather their stamina, before the conclusion blows in like a hurricane of squealing guitars and shreds.

Glorious stuff. But if "The Fog" gets you banging your head, the next entry will have you tapping your feet. (Which may get you some strange looks if you're reading this at work).


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.