PES 2015 is much more than a ping pong speed fest so breaking down defences is difficult even for classy players. However, one slightly overpowered feature still remains at the core of the gameplay. Moving the ball quickly takes skill and sharp responses but master it and you will soon blitz players who can't defend. This ties into Player ID, a highly impressive feature of PES 2015 that encourages single moments of magic from the world's best players and learning to employ these players in certain areas of the pitch could transform your play style. Players like Ozíl and Silva can start a counter attack in a split second with one key pass and because of the brilliant off the ball running by the AI, chances will open up in front of your eyes time and time again. Overlap with your full backs and wingers but keep centre halves and sitting midfielders rooted to their positions. Mastering PES 2015 means learning when to blind pass, when to hold the ball and when to roam forward and pile on the pressure but if you want to accelerate the process and score more goals along the way, intricate one-twos and passing triangles are the way to go.
Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!