PlayStation 5 Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

4. In-Game Help Videos

astros playroom

Another thing that comes from the Card-based UI is "developer help" videos per game.

Embedded media in Cards lets you watch trailers and captures as they break, but a developer can choose to leave a clip alongside any mission or challenge Card, letting you watch it while you try to beat the level itself.

These clips can be pinned to the side of the screen, and it's up to the devs themselves to include videos per game. Spider-Man: Miles Morales didn't have any videos pre-launch, but Astro's Playroom had helpful mini-guides for all its collectibles, letting me grab my first Platinum on PS5 in a few hours.

It's important to note for those who think this will "devalue" Platinum trophies: Everything is on the devs to designate which goals should come with videos. In the UI, clips are tied to in-game challenges, NOT trophies, so if said challenge - like beating a level, defeating a boss or acquiring a weapon - doubles as a Trophy, that's a happy coincidence.

At no point is the PS5 giving you a "trophy guide", inasmuch as overall help with the game at hand.

This splits the difference perfectly, putting the impetus on creatives to designate specific trophy goals, while ensuring the vast majority of players at least hit credits.

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