PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

2. God Of War: Ascension

You wouldn't think a God of War game could be labelled as anything close to 'underrated', but like Gears of War: Judgment it was the first out-of-trilogy release that came to an over-saturated public, thereby resigning Ascension to being all but forgotten - despite its triple-A budget. At this stage if you've played a God of War game you know exactly what to expect - that being 'Square, Square, Triangle: The Game' - and considering back in 2013, Ascension marked the seventh entry in the series in just eight years, it was another excuse to let you play as angry-man Kratos as he set about ripping the guts out of a Greek Mythology textbook-made-real. The main reason the collective nose was turned up when this got announced was down to a truly pointless multiplayer mode - a feature that was ignored at launch and is now more abandoned that Microsoft's Kinect plans - but that single player? It's more limb-severing, uber-macho goodness, delivered by a studio that were still at the top of their game.
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