PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

14. Alpha Protocol

It's way too easy to get hung up on technical limitations and graphical capabilities in an age where every game is scrutinised from the ground-up - but that just means you miss out on fantastic conceptual gems like Alpha Protocol. Let's see if I can sell this in one sentence - just imagine if Mass Effect was a spy RPG. That work? Awesome, because it only gets better. You'll play as Michael Thornton, a customisable agent in every respect when it comes to gameplay, meaning you can then deploy across a whole load of missions as either a face-smashing Bourne-a-like, go a bit more tech-happy like Bond - or blow the living daylights out of everything if the other two go sour. Made by Obsidian Entertainment, this pretty much got thrown under the bus thanks to not being the most polished thing when it comes to the feel of gameplay - but did that ever really bother you back in the day? Its the execution that sells Alpha Protocol, smoothing over any rough edges almost immediately. Getting used to its more basic animations opens you up to a solid Mass Effect-style conversation system, branching narrative, huge character depth and gameplay options that play off each other - alongside one of the best concepts for a game since... well, name another spy RPG and we'll talk.
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