PlayStation Showcase: 10 Games We Could See

7. Knights Of The Old Republic Remake Comes Back From Limbo

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Morales Peter Parker
Lucasfilm Games

The surprise announcement of a full remake of Knights of the Old Republic was an exciting moment for fans of the cult classic after it had been long requested. While a brief CGI trailer and a tease of Reven were all we got, it was enough to set expectations high, and then it just disappeared.

The exact state of development is currently in limbo, with reports from Bloomberg originally suggesting a 2022 release date. Studio heads, however, voiced their displeasure at the state of a demo of the current build, bringing development to a halt. While initially thought to be put on hold indefinitely, the report went on to claim that the project had been shifted from developers at Aspyr to Sabre Interactive.

None of this has been officially confirmed, mind you, but such significant shifts in development would explain why we haven’t heard a peep out of the game since its announcement. While this could mean it remains dormant for some time, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that we get some sort of update. If anything, it would simply be reassuring to see even a brief CG trailer, as if to say "Hey, we're still here working on this". It's wishful thinking for sure, but we can keep our fingers crossed that this hasn’t become another Metroid Prime 4 situation.

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Lover of PlayStation, nostalgia, 3D platformers, big cartoon, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy & superhero fan, drinker of a dangerous amount of Pepsi max, one day aspires to be 25 years old, but a man can dream though