Pokémon: 10 Craziest Evolution Methods The Games Made You Do

5. Trade It (For Another Specific Pokémon) - Escavalier/Accelgor

Pokemon upside

Trading Pokémon is a staple of evolution - with friendly critters like Machamp or Alakazam only being obtainable after trading their previous form.

The folks who made Pokémon Black and White must have felt this simple method was too easy, however. In the sixth generation of Pokémon, they designed Escavalier and Accelgor, who could only be added to your Pokédex by being traded for one another.

While this has a really cool explanation in-universe, with the pair swapping their armor, it's pretty irritating to actually try and sort, because it requires either getting super lucky in a trade with a stranger, or worse yet, having to make a friend and then ask them to search the Pokéglobe for two weirdly specific bugs.


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