Pokémon: 5 Reasons You Need To Take The Nuzlocke Challenge

4. You Get To Train Pokemon You Wouldn't Normally Train

Pokemon Nuzlocke
The Pokémon Company

There are currently over 700 Pokémon in the gaming world across all seven regions. Yet most trainers, some who have played these games for most, if not all of their lives, have never trained the majority of these Pokémon.

This is simply because trainers have their favourite Pokémon. This may be because they are strong, or rare, or sometimes even just because they look better than other Pokémon. This limits the game playing experience somewhat, because they are not using most of the monsters available.

Enter the Nuzlocke Challenge.

With the catching opportunities limited, the players don't always get to play with their favourites and are almost forced to use new, different Pokémon.

Take Spoink as an example. Many trainers won't use Spoink because it doesn't look particularly cool or strong. However, playing Nuzlocke may force trainers to use a Pokémon like Spoink which, eventually, evolves into a Grumpig; a strong psychic type which is hard to come by.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.