Pokémon GO: 10 Reasons To Start Playing Again
4. Regular Special Events With Special Pokémon Giveaways
So yes, the most inherent flaw of Pokemon GO was that nothing ever changed, which is probably why, starting with Halloween 2016, Niantic implemented limited time global events that boosted Pokemon’s appearance rates, buffed effects and gave special rewards.
Even if you don’t play any other time, these events make picking up the game for just a few days’ worth your while.
The recent Fire And Ice Solstice Event also made the eponymous types more common in your world; Growlithe, Swinub, Cyndaquil and yes of course Charmander became hourly sights no matter where in the world you lived for a week, letting you rack up the candy.
That’s not enough? How about triple XP on every catch as well as the bonus XP for the skill of your shots? Suddenly catching even the weakest of Weedles nets you several hundred XP to go to closing the insurmountable gaps between later levels. Oh, and Lucky Eggs were half price, so all those XP buffs just got doubled.
You’re welcome.
Events such as these aren’t rare either; there have already been eight in 2017, some week long, some only over a weekend, but each providing tangible cause above the norm to play the game.