Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee - 10 Terrible Gen 1 Pokémon You Forgot You Hated

9. Mr. Mime

122 Mr Mime
The Pokémon Company

It’s really easy to just read the name and laugh at Mr. Mime, but that’s moreso on the Pokemon localization team since its Japanese name (Barrierd) didn’t actually have anything to do with miming.

No, let’s just focus in on what the Pokemon actually looks like because there is a whole lot to unpack there.

First and most obvious is its strangely Krusty the Clown-like appearance, complete with pale skin and weird hairdo. It gets even stranger from there, however, as it has large balls in place of its shoulders and hips. Its limbs are outright spidery, and capping it all off? Its strange appendages, which include elf shoes for feet and oddly symmetrical hands with suction cups on each fingertip.

Distinctly humanoid and overly accessorized, Mr. Mime just doesn’t really look like a Pokemon at all. Had he come out in any other generation, he would have been singled out by grumpy fans as proof of the series’ decline.


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