Pokémon Let’s Go! Switch: 10 Features Fans Demand
1. Labo Compatibility
Okay, here’s the dream, here’s the big one.
Have you had a go on any thing from the Labo yet? It is crazy, crazy, crazy fun. Like it reminds you precisely why you play games in the first place. It makes you feel like a kid. I lack the imagination to really devise what little Pokémon devices you could tie into the games, but knowing Nintendo they'd be fantastic.
There’s already a fishing rod, for crying out loud. I’d happily dangle a few Magikarp off the end of that every now and again… despite that sounding weird.
The beauty of the Labo is it can be literally anything. There’s a piano, a house, a motorbike, a... you name it. If they wanted they could make a giant cardboard Snorlax for you to physically move out of the road. Just anything that bridges that game real-world divide - it's only a matter of time.