Pokémon: Ranking Every Gen 2 Video Game
Gotta play 'em all... again!

Pokémon gen one walked so the second generation could run. That's not to say that gen one is bad, in fact, I like it so much that I ranked every generation one game in a previous list.
Gen one set the groundwork for the entire franchise. It's just that generation two took that groundwork and built upon it to show us exactly how great the series could be.
The thing is, it also highlighted just how bad Pokémon could be.
Most of these bad games are on the Pokémon Mini, a portable device that exclusively features Pokémon titles. The thing is, the system doesn't just make up the bottom of the list, as there are some quality titles on the device that can go toe-to-toe with the best of them.
The system has variety and shouldn't be dismissed just because at first glance it looks a bit crap; every gen two Pokémon Mini title is on this list as well as every gen two game from other systems and PC.
Finally, as for what won't be on the list. "Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS" won't be included as that's a toy, and neither "Pikachu's Great Surfing Adventure" nor "Pokémon: Crayon Kids" will be included as they're obscure arcade cabinets.
14. Pokémon Party Mini

Pokémon Party Mini is an awful mini-game compilation, and it's the pack-in title for the Pokémon Mini console. What a great first impression.
Mini-game-wise there's Rocket Start. In this game, you just wait for the console to vibrate and then you press a button. That's it. It's barely a game.
Baseline Judge is a tennis game. Sounds fun right? Well, you're not playing tennis, you're playing as the judge. You need to decide if the ball is in or out before it lands. "Fun".
Ricochet Dribble isn't as bad as the previous two mini-games but it's still not great. You must kick a ball across a field as fast as possible. The game at least involves some skill.
In Dance Delight, you must copy the dance moves of a Bellossom. Dance Delight is the best mini-game in Pokémon Party Mini but it's still nothing you'd play for more than 30 seconds.
Boxing Frenzy involves you shaking the Mini when you're told to and not shaking the device when you're told not to. "Fun".
Finally, Speedy Fake Out is a multiplayer game where one person has to try and fake out the other. The hardest part about this game is tricking a friend into playing it with you.