Pokémon: Ranking The Starters Of All 6 Generations From Worst To Best

11. Pikachu

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The Pokémon Company

The immensely popular mascot for the franchise was the only starter available in generation one's Pokémon Yellow, where trainers were trained the little bugger on a journey that mirrored the one Ash takes in the first TV series.

In Pokémon Yellow it was very difficult to make a worthy battler out of your Pikachu. For a start, evolution was completely off the table as players had to keep the electric mouse in this first (at that time) form. Given that other starters have two additional stages to work through, it's easy to see that Pikachu is massively disadvantaged.

Of course, everyone loves this little dude, and having your Pikachu follow you in the game's overworld was a pretty awesome experience. Turning to see just how it felt about you and your training at any time was a nice touch, and one that the developers of the games have finally started to reintroduce with the likes of Pokémon-Amie in generation six.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.