Pokémon Sword & Shield: 5 Confirmed Details (And 5 Predictions)

8. Know: The Region Is Galar

Pokemon Sword And Shield
Game Freak

Similar to the titles, this is just a bit of a ‘that’s your lot’ fact. As we delve further into the list, the things we know get a bit juicer, but for now we’ll stick with the basics that provide a springboard for some entertaining predictions.

For all that Hoenn famously had ‘too much water’ for one reviewer - a strange criticism given that it’s a series of islands - every region has been reasonably popular in its own right. Galar, with its city hubs, lush green terrains, misty forests and craggy hillsides, seems set to join that run of hits. Sun and Moon leaned into the island theme hard, but diversity and exploration seems to be the order of the day with Sword and Shield.

As for the characters and world building, one of the few NPCs we’ve seen so far is a schoolgirl sporting a ridiculously short tie; that seems an obvious nod to the likely inspiration for the region. Speaking of which, the next prediction is a fairly safe one, but it’s worth close examination of all the hints as to Galar’s real world links.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)