Pokémon Sword & Shield - 10 Best New Pokémon

7. Carkol

wooloo pokemon

Carkol is the middle stage evolution of Rolycoly, the coal Pokémon revealed in the trailer which showed off Galar’s different regions. It finally evolves into Coalossal, but marks a rare occasion where the middle stage is king.

There are some criticisms from the fan base, but they don’t all seem that legitimate. Many expected the coal to turn into a steam engine, rather than a coal cart. That’s fair enough, but we’re hardly short of Steel types in Galar.

Besides, Rock Fire is a seldom spotted type combination; the only previous example is Magcargo.

Then there was criticism of the facial design, despite it being a clear throwback to the Gen I designs. Paint its face red, and Carkol bears a remarkable similarity to Charmeleon.

None of Carkol’s critics stopped to think that perhaps this outdated form of fuel was deliberately given a throwback design? It’s okay to not like something, but to dismiss its reasoning without even being aware of it renders your opinion a little bit moot.

Carkol’s throwback design has been popular with some though, especially those concerned that Pokémon have gotten too cutesy. With a clever design, thoughtful approach and rare typing, it’s one of Galar’s best.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)