Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

9. Customisation & Upgrades Have Real Depth

Prey Weapon Wheel
"The...upgrade system in Prey is multi-faceted...For fans of customization and choice, Prey does not disappoint. Weapons on the other hand are far less customizable, but they do have upgrade paths of their own. However, they stay relatively the same in their functionality throughout the game." - Attack of the Fanboy
"There’s heaps to choose from and each one feels useful in one way or another, though limited neuromods means you’ll have to build your character each playthrough, often with some sacrifices." - Press Start Australia
"The early mods you get are fairly simple - they'll increase your health, or your hacking skills. But as you progress, you’ll find over the top options such as being able to cobble together allies from corpses, create decoys of yourself while shifting behind your target, or taking the form of physical objects around you to get to hard to reach areas, or to hide from foes..." - Gadgets 360

As a spiritual successor to the Dishonored franchise while also clearly influenced by Bioshock, it'd be ridiculous if Prey wasn't littered with extensive upgrade options.

The customisation suite is one of the game's most widely-praised aspects so far, granting players a wealth of choice in terms of how they approach taking on the Mimics and navigating Talos I.

Some reviewers did express disappointment, though, that weapons weren't more customisable, but it still sounds like there's plenty for tinkerers to fiddle around with.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.