Project 007 Wishlist: 10 Features We Most Want From New James Bond Video Game

8. Most Ingenious Levels Yet

Project 007

No one said making a Bond game would be easy, and IO have their work cut out for them. Bond broke the mould with his famous globe trotting antics and enemy bases. Most games to this day owe Bond a debt for their ostentatious levels and final boss lairs.

Thankfully, the Hitman series does give IO a big advantage, particularly Hitman's very Bond-esque European mansions and military complexes. Sapienza should serve as a good template for certain types of mission: A large heavily guarded villa seems fairly standard but underneath lies a secret laboratory engineering viruses that must be sabotaged.

Bond is also about big set pieces, so linear levels like the trains on both Uncharted 2 and Hitman 3 also need to be included. While games like Dishonored 2 also point the way, having featured levels of mad genius, blending stealth and action like The Clockwork Mansion (a level that changes shape at the push of a switch) requiring as much of a detective's mind as an assassin's.

Players are going to want to see the most fantastic looking and designed levels to date. So, good luck with that mission.

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