PS4: 10 Best Console Exclusives You Need To Play

7. No Man's Sky

ratchet and clank
Hello Games

No Man's Sky may not have met those lofty expectations that were thrust upon it by the hype train, but it's still a title that's unrivalled in its ambition and scale. How many other games allow you to explore 18 quintillion unique worlds, discovering new lifeforms and trying to come up with crude names for planets that bypass the profanity filter?

Not many.

While a lot of reviews were correct in stating that No Man's Sky does overuse its core mechanics to the point of repetition, the game's central appeal is in its endless exploration - something it accomplishes to a ridiculous degree - and not necessarily its basic mechanics.

In that sense, it nailed its premise.

The sheer wonder of cruising through the atmosphere of an undiscovered planet, gliding over mountain ranges and majestic alien creatures while looking for a safe spot to land is pulse-pounding. Video games are all about escapism, and there's no other game that lets you escape further.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.