PS4: 10 Best Console Exclusives You Need To Play

6. The Witness

ratchet and clank
Jonathan Blow

Puzzle titles don't often get the attention that Jonathan Blow's The Witness managed to draw, but that's because the game did something different.

Rather than having the player plow through puzzle after puzzle with no overarching sense of achievement - an effect similar titles often fall prey to - The Witness tied everything together, placing a central mystery at the heart of the experience that each solution would get you one step closer to solving.

As a result, you're compelled to complete each task the game throws at you, and the puzzles don't feel like a slog. The island on which the game takes place is littered with eerily beautiful structures and audio files, lending the experience a philosophical weight and an atmosphere that holds your attention in an almost magical, transfixing manner.

Don't shrug it off as another generic puzzler - this is one you need to see for yourself.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.