PS4: 10 Biggest Mistakes Sony Have Made So Far

8. Everything About Knack

Knack game

The original Knack was known for being extremely difficult and extremely mediocre. Gameplay consisted of simple button-mashing combat and poor platforming that only got worse as Knack got bigger. Of course, as a technical showcase Knack wasn't all that bad, with plenty of particle affects and pretty graphics to help try and justify a new console generation.

Despite best efforts though, it simply wasn't enough.

The worst part of it all is that Sony continue to shove Knack down our throats in an attempt to be relevant. Why on Earth is there a sequel to Knack? Who asked for that?

To be completely fair, Knack 2 does improve upon a lot of the things that went wrong with the original. Despite fixing these problems, the core gameplay of Knack is still so boring and tedious that even the second attempt fails to be engaging in any way.

Sony, please just stop trying with Knack. He's dead.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.