PS4: 10 Biggest Mistakes Sony Have Made So Far

3. PS4 Pro Feels Pointless

Ps4 Pro

PlayStation's big tech release this past year has been the PS4 Pro, which aimed to enhance gaming in a big way. So far it hasn't really done anything but shine them up a bit.

Considering Microsoft are really pushing the Xbox Scorpio as the strongest console out there (although that may be useless without actual games to play), you'd think that Sony would be trying to show off the power of the PS4 Pro a little bit more.

Instead, Sony seem intent on letting the Pro be nothing more than a slightly stronger 4K console. Yes, every game so far does look better when rendered at 4K, but the upgrade doesn't really seem justified so far.

The best aspect of the PS4 Pro so far is that it allows some games like Final Fantasy XV to have an increased frame rate. More improvements like this is really what the Pro needs to succeed, otherwise it's introduction is pretty pointless. It doesn't help that it doesn't even play 4K Blu-Ray.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.