PS4: 15 Cool Tips, Tricks & Secrets You Must Try

4. Light Bar Brightness Reduction

Technophiles have since dove into the inner-workings of the controller's battery life and realised that although gamers continue to begrudge having the LED light on at all, it's actually only responsible for a few minutes worth of gameplay, if that. Instead it's the wireless and rumble functions that sap battery far faster - but still Sony included in their last firmware update the ability to turn down the brightness of this thing anyway. Simply go into the Dashboard's main Settings, then Devices, Controllers and scroll down to 'Brightness of Dualshock 4 Light Bar'. You can switch it from the default Bright to Medium and Dim, and although these don't have a great deal of difference, it's still a look towards some day you'll be able to turn off such a pointless function altogether.
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