PS4: 7 Proven Franchises We're Excited To See In The Next Generation

4. EA Sports' NHL

With only a few sports games launching with the console, the choices have been limited for the sports game connoisseur in the first few weeks of PS4 life. FIFA 14 and NBA 2K14 are spectacular, but there's still something missing. That thing happens to be perennial Sports Game of the Year contender NHL from EA Sports. Hockey, more than any sport, translates to gaming and after two decades of working on it EA Sports has almost perfected the experience. Now able to make it look better and feel better, to marry simulation with just the right touch of gaminess, there's no way the series won't be amazing on the PS4. Best Likely Use of Next-Gen Technology: As has been indicated by the early PS4 sports offerings, the ability to add more detail to player motion and physical interactions will continue to add dimension to any athletic offering. That will be even more evident in contact sports, as both Madden and FIFA have shown the enjoyment in a bone-crunching tackle like we've never seen before. Wait until you land your first big body check in an NHL game or score on your first booming slapshot. Hockey gaming will never be the same again.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!