PS4: 7 Proven Franchises We're Excited To See In The Next Generation

3. MLB: The Show

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Another important sports title that needs to be added to the PS4 catalogue is the baseball exclusive MLB: The Show. It's been slugging its way to the top of the gaming heap since EA Sports dropped out of the baseball race years back, and seeing it in next gen action should be marvelous. One of the biggest elements of baseball is the environment. The capacity to feel like you're actually at the ballpark and taking in the sights and sounds is what makes the experience so unique. Little things like realistic lighting, grass, and weather patterns will all define the game. With what's under the hood of the PS4, there's no question that the subtleties of the optimum baseball experience will shine when the next Show drops. Best Likely Use of Next-Gen Technology: If there's one issue with the MLB franchise it's been some of the stiffness seen in athlete movements. They're almost entirely canned animations, many of which are not overly graceful. There's also a bugginess that's evident but not overwhelming, so people look the other way considering this is the best baseball game going today. The ability to work out some of those kinks thanks to what's under the hood of the PS4 would be welcome.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!