PS4: 7 Proven Franchises We're Excited To See In The Next Generation

2. The Elder Scrolls

46 Skyrim How could someone possibly not be excited for a next generation edition of the storied Elder Scrolls franchise? For fantasy nerds worldwide, there simply isn't a better experience than when Bethesda sends you to the world of Tamriel once every few years. While Oblivion and obviously Skyrim pushed the boundaries of what was possible in an open world fantasy game, the idea that it can only be bigger, more impressive, and more engaging on the PS4 is almost too much to comprehend. Being handed the next Elder Scrolls game and knowing that you've got hundreds of hours of enjoyable gameplay in front of you will be as good a day as you'll have in the new console era. Best Likely Use of Next-Gen Technology: It's hard to say if some of the strange bugs seen in past editions of The Elder Scrolls are due to poor programming or due to the sheer scope of what Bethesda tries to accomplish. They absolutely push consoles to their outer limits. With that in mind it's nearly impossible to say how they'll use the PS4 when the Skyrim follow-up drops. Expect all-around improvements that are most evident in fewer glitches and a sharper visual flair.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!