PS4: 9 Big Changes PlayStation Plus Desperately Needs

7. Get Around Backwards Compatibility With Free Remasters

On a long enough timeline, Sony's current plan to use a paid monthly subscription for something their competitor offers for free just isn't going to cut it. Instead, they need a way for you to play your older games on new hardware - the most lucrative option right now being "Well, just buy the remaster". No dice. This would be a viable way for consumers to spend extra cash on something they love, but the vast majority of remasters are barely iterative from where they started out. Ocarina of Time on 3DS, this ain't. Instead we're seeing games that already looked pretty great get the barest licks of paint before being trotted out again, all with a price-point that's a considerable amount more than a retailer would offer. The answer? Let recent trophy data dictate which games you already have in your collection, and have that then open up the option of a drastically discounted remaster/definitive edition of the same game, or - publisher-dependant - have the game be free, the assumption being that you've already paid for it. Granted there's a grey area in terms of developers devoting the time to recoding and reworking the games in the first place - in turn needing to be paid for their work - but anything that gets around the current perception that you're 'paying for the exact same thing twice' would be a godsend.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.