PS4: 9 Major Problems Sony Face In 2016

7. Admit It... You Don't Care About PS VR

PS VR playstation

First off, Project Morpheus was a WAY cooler name for a virtual reality headset, especially considering the mind-jacking, 'I-can't-believe-it's-not-reality' line, "You think that's air you're breathing now?" from the first Matrix.

Alas, it was not to be, and with a name-switch came a deflation in hype for Sony's VR model, one that then hinged on a solid smattering of public demos to restore faith in the concept. Journalists have been telling us it's 'incredible' for months, but with every final line always being "But you really need to try it yourself", E3 and other press events are the best we're going to get.

Naturally, the showing that PS VR received was comprised of 'VR experiences', vague walkthroughs of environments and short-lived narrative segments, predicated on the notion of letting you get a feel for the tech. Except... nothing looked revolutionary.

Yes, the idea of piloting an X-Wing and pulling off the trench run is spectacular, but with only a few seconds of looking around in first-person to go off (and knowing you won't get your money's worth if you have to replay it 20 times to justify the price), a sour taste was felt by almost everyone.

Such an approach to VR games is indicative across the board, mainly because VR has to tread lightly, until the average Joe can avoid throwing their guts up through motion sickness. That means more pedestrian games, more passive experiences and more 'hands off, just look at how pretty this is' scenarios.

All fine and par for the course, but the part of our collective conscious that screams "It's a gimmick!"?

That isn't going away anytime soon.

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Gaming Editor

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