PS4 Pro: 10 Ongoing Mistakes That Just Cost Sony This Generation

1. The PS4 Pro Is Still A Middle Finger To Early Adopters

PS4 Pro PS4 Slim

"We respect the PlayStation community" they said. "The new system won't have any exclusive features" they said.

Well, guess what, doubling the processing power of your system to render more detailed game worlds IS an 'exclusive feature', because it's not available anywhere else.

Thing is, going into PlayStation Meeting, we knew Sony were going to have to tap-dance over a few laser beams to sell the idea of a 'new PS4' without peeing off the people who got them there in the first place.

And... they couldn't. Focussing on so many tiny, inconsequential 'upgrades' doesn't instil the notion that "Hey, you'll be fine without this", it makes us think that developers will spend unnecessary time upgrading or faffing about with features that aren't conducive to good gameplay. They're ostensibly being forced to neglect the userbase of 45 million+ players that are ready and waiting for new games already.

The PS4 Pro boils down to being an extra headache for studios, only causing confusion in the marketplace (Slim or Pro - why?), and exists to offer some half-baked 'upgrade' rather than what would be PS5, a far-flung future system that would've assumedly dropped with way more confidence.


What do you make of how Sony have handled the generation so far, and in light of recent events? Let us know in the comments!

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