PS5: 10 Mind-Blowing Game Reveals That Would Win The Generation

1. God Of War II

Silent Hill Reboot

God of War is yet another one of those titles that defined the generation for Sony. The most recent installation for the PS4 was created by Sony's Santa Monica Studios and was released back in April 2018.

It was an instant hit, with its incredible 4K graphics, its spellbinding, emotional rollercoaster of a story, and beautifully crafted world. It all comes together in what amounts to a tearjerking, goosebump raising tale of duty and responsibility between a father and son who just happen to be gods.

Admittedly, I never played the original games on the PS2 or PS3 so was a little out of the loop. That being said, what I found in God of War on the PS4 didn't need prior knowledge of the series. Sure, it would have probably helped fill in a few gaps, but as a standalone story, it was fantastic all the same.

After the raging success of the game, it is no doubt that we will see another installation of the series on the PS5. The last game indicated the presence of multiple universes, leaving the door wide open for how the devs can approach the sequel.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.